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Timeline Project: Learn from
archived newspapers
Using newspapers as a source of historical research, we are given an inside glimpse into harmful chemical disposal, industrial dumping, cancer cluster investigations, and other environmental topics in Florida dating back to the 1940s. This is an ongoing project, please continue to visit for updates as we continue to upload and organize this web page.
----------> Florida Pollution & Contamination Timeline

1970 Florida Lakes Polluted
Housewives fight to save Florida's lakes in 1970 after learning they are polluted. "People come to Florida to enjoy our beautiful lakes remaining. And we have a chance to save them - before it's too late."
St Lucie News Tribune1/1/1970
St Lucie News Tribune1/1/1970

1970 Thermal Pollution from Power Plants
Official and experts concerned with environmental impacts from thermal pollution where water is heated from power plants discuss preventing future damage.
The Tampa Times 5/29/70
The Tampa Times 5/29/70

1980 Florida Sends Waste to Other States
Florida had no approved hazardous waste disposal site, so waste was transported to dumps in South Carolina and Alabama. In five month 157 truckloads of Florida waste from 50 wastemakers crossed the state line for disposal at the Chemical Wast Management plant in Livingston, Ala.
For about three years, Monsanto shipped several drums of waste a year to Alabama.
The Pam Beach Post 8/17/80
For about three years, Monsanto shipped several drums of waste a year to Alabama.
The Pam Beach Post 8/17/80

1983 EDB Groundwater Contamination
Pesticides Temik and EDB have leached into more than 100 drinking water well in Florida.
Florida Today 10/1/1983
Florida Today 10/1/1983

1984 Industries Escape Cleanup by Filing Bankruptcy
Operators of toxic waste dups on the federal Superfund list filed for bankruptcy to avoid paying cleanup costs.
For many, filing for bankruptcy is cheaper than paying millions fo dollars to clean up.
EPA offical became concerned with the rash of bankruptcies at Superfund dumps and worried that it would extend to landfills who accept hazardous wastes.
The Tampa Tribune 7/10/84
For many, filing for bankruptcy is cheaper than paying millions fo dollars to clean up.
EPA offical became concerned with the rash of bankruptcies at Superfund dumps and worried that it would extend to landfills who accept hazardous wastes.
The Tampa Tribune 7/10/84

1985 Waste Disposal Off Florida Shores
Two hazardous waste incineration ships containing 1.6 million gallons of PCBs and other chemical wastes would be tested about 190 milies east of Daytona Beach if EPA proposal is approved.
Florida Today 10/1/1985
Florida Today 10/1/1985
----------> Cancer & Health Concerns Throughout Florida Timeline

1988 Pinellas School Cancer Cluster Concerns
Over 45 Dixie Hollins High graduates diagnosed with cancer.
Tampa Bay Times 10/3/1988
Tampa Bay Times 10/3/1988

1994 Oncologists for Brevard Necessary
Orlando doctors find visits to Brevard County necessary with children being diagnosed with cancer and needing treatments. Kidney conditions (Wilm's tumor) have been associated with PFAS chemicals which have been found at some of the highest levels in Brevard County in the nation.
Florida Today 3/4/1994
Florida Today 3/4/1994

1997 Florida Investigates Childhood Cancer Cluster in St. Lucie
The state tested air, soil and water for more than 400 chemical compounds at 35 sites in St. Lucie County in early 1998. Experts suspect that the increase cancer rates is caused by something environmental.
Only about 2 percent of the 70,000 manufactured compounds in use have been studied for toxic or cancer-causing properties. Companies release chemicals without ever having to test them or prove they don't cause harm to the environment or human health.
In the early 1980s the CDC was unable to establish a link between a cluster of childhood leukemia cases and rinking water wells highly contaminated by an industrial solvent. Fast forward to 2022 to Camp Lejeune.
The Tampa Tribune Sun 12/21/1997
Only about 2 percent of the 70,000 manufactured compounds in use have been studied for toxic or cancer-causing properties. Companies release chemicals without ever having to test them or prove they don't cause harm to the environment or human health.
In the early 1980s the CDC was unable to establish a link between a cluster of childhood leukemia cases and rinking water wells highly contaminated by an industrial solvent. Fast forward to 2022 to Camp Lejeune.
The Tampa Tribune Sun 12/21/1997

2001 Teen Diagnosed with Cancer in Cluster Study Dies
Teen among 30 children involved in a state "cancer cluster" investigation in St. Lucie dies from brain cancer.
Tribune 2001
Tribune 2001

2004 Florida Investigates Suspected Cancer Clusters
Florida cases in the study included residents living near Coronet Industries and children's brain cancer cluster in Port St. Lucie.
Residents of Lincoln Park near Coronet were concerned with two abandoned landfills and complained of cancer. They wondered whether pollution from the phosphate processor or landfills were to blame.
Researchers admit that cases are never really resolved.
The Tampa Tribune 7/31/04
Residents of Lincoln Park near Coronet were concerned with two abandoned landfills and complained of cancer. They wondered whether pollution from the phosphate processor or landfills were to blame.
Researchers admit that cases are never really resolved.
The Tampa Tribune 7/31/04
----------> Florida Drinking Water Timeline

1977 Studies Link Cancer with Use of Chlorine
New scientific studies link death rates for cancer - mainly bladder with the extent to which water is chlorinated.
Melbourne's drinking water found to have one of the highest chloroform levels in the southeast.
The acceptable EPA chloroform level is between 70 and 100 parts per billion (ppb), Melbourne's water was found to contain as much as 730 ppb.
Florida Today 5/4/1977
Melbourne's drinking water found to have one of the highest chloroform levels in the southeast.
The acceptable EPA chloroform level is between 70 and 100 parts per billion (ppb), Melbourne's water was found to contain as much as 730 ppb.
Florida Today 5/4/1977

1979 Melbourne Highest Level of Chemicals in US
The EPA listed Melbourne water as having the highest level of trihalomethanes among major water supplies in the US.
Titusville and Vero Beach water could violate the proposed standard.
Florida today 5/27/1979
Titusville and Vero Beach water could violate the proposed standard.
Florida today 5/27/1979

1980 Melbourne Water Supply in Question
Melbourne's water supply in question and Melbourne drinking water suffered from an overabundance of chloroform, a suspected cancer causing agent.
Florida Today 10/19/80
Florida Today 10/19/80

1981 Melbourne's Drinking Water Trihalomethanes
"Melbourne's drinking water exceeded state standards for levels of trihalomethanes, chemicals found to cause cancer in lab rats.
Maximum allowable Trihalomethanes levels were 100 parts per million and Melbourne drinking water showed as high as 1,200 ppm.
Tests showed recycled magnesium drove up the levels of trihalomethanes in treated water. The plant failed to recycle magnesium (used to lower color in the water)."
Florida Today 12/14/81
Maximum allowable Trihalomethanes levels were 100 parts per million and Melbourne drinking water showed as high as 1,200 ppm.
Tests showed recycled magnesium drove up the levels of trihalomethanes in treated water. The plant failed to recycle magnesium (used to lower color in the water)."
Florida Today 12/14/81

1982 Carcinogen at Unsafe Levels in Drinking Water
Sampling revealed widespread THMs contamination in South Florida.
Organic compounds that combine with chlorine form THMS also known as trihalomethanes.
The Palm Beach Post 1/9/82
Organic compounds that combine with chlorine form THMS also known as trihalomethanes.
The Palm Beach Post 1/9/82

1983 Reading in Satellite Beach Over Safety Level
South Patrick Shores and Satellite Beach had 10 times the recommended levels of THMs from Melbourne's drinking water.
Florida Today 7/15/83
Florida Today 7/15/83
----------> Indian River Lagoon and Banana River Pollution Timeline

1970 Brevard County Landfill, Sewage & Pesticide Pollution
"We get tremendous amounts of pollution from ships, sewage, and other pollutants that seep into the lagoon."
"If it's not water and soil pollution, there's the problem of air pollution as workmen burn thousands of pounds of trash hauled in daily."
"Fish and birds face an immediate danger from pollution. Fishery officials have said the largemouth bass, important to ecology and tourism, is not reproducing in many state waters, including Brevard County."
Florida Today 6/28/70
"If it's not water and soil pollution, there's the problem of air pollution as workmen burn thousands of pounds of trash hauled in daily."
"Fish and birds face an immediate danger from pollution. Fishery officials have said the largemouth bass, important to ecology and tourism, is not reproducing in many state waters, including Brevard County."
Florida Today 6/28/70

1970 Incineration Discussion in Brevard
"I can't go along with them on incineration even though they have secured enabling legislation to construct incinerators. Incineration to my way of thinking is transferring soil-and-water pollutant o air pollution."
"The complaint is that farmers and other growers prefer fertilizers and won't buy compost. but we have learned that the outfall of fertilizers to our streams is creating dangerous algae."
"I wish the Health Department would seek legislation at Tallahassee to ban the sale of phosphate-rich detergents. I consider this a worse despoiler of our water than our garbage."
Florida Today 7/7/1970
"The complaint is that farmers and other growers prefer fertilizers and won't buy compost. but we have learned that the outfall of fertilizers to our streams is creating dangerous algae."
"I wish the Health Department would seek legislation at Tallahassee to ban the sale of phosphate-rich detergents. I consider this a worse despoiler of our water than our garbage."
Florida Today 7/7/1970

1970 Brevard County Sewage & Fertilizer Pollution Discussion
"We plan to refuse to allow permits to plants which do not treat nutrients."
"People have to realize sewer plants are not the answer. Planning is the answer."
"Population growth can be carefully controlled on such a preserve to assure a minimum of pollutants from man."
"I have data which indicates a fertilizer is the most damaging thing in the river."
"FIT pioneered the nation's first radiation sewer treatment plant."
"The penalty for no decision is a deadly burst of green algae and water hyacinths by 1980, experts say. And that means death for the Indian River."
Florida Today 11/30/1970
"People have to realize sewer plants are not the answer. Planning is the answer."
"Population growth can be carefully controlled on such a preserve to assure a minimum of pollutants from man."
"I have data which indicates a fertilizer is the most damaging thing in the river."
"FIT pioneered the nation's first radiation sewer treatment plant."
"The penalty for no decision is a deadly burst of green algae and water hyacinths by 1980, experts say. And that means death for the Indian River."
Florida Today 11/30/1970

1972 Brevard Failing to Comply with Pollution Laws
"The Brevard Health Department knows of hundreds of small polluted streams in the county failing to comply with state pollution laws but is doing nothing about it."
"Doug Cheshire criticized health department officials for hiding pollution problems in Brevard."
"I've been to the health department, and they say they don't have pollution."
Florida Today 6/17/1972
"Doug Cheshire criticized health department officials for hiding pollution problems in Brevard."
"I've been to the health department, and they say they don't have pollution."
Florida Today 6/17/1972

1972 Fecal Pollution Out of Control in Brevard
"Most of those canals are drainage canals and eventually run into St John s and Indian Rivers."
"The causes of high bacteria and fecal counts in recreational water are often hard to pinpoint, but the most common reason are poorly treated wastes from municipal sewage systems seepage."
"A large swimming area would be closed if the bacteria count becomes dangerous, but he doesn't have the manpower to check all recreation areas."
Florida Today 7/16/72
"The causes of high bacteria and fecal counts in recreational water are often hard to pinpoint, but the most common reason are poorly treated wastes from municipal sewage systems seepage."
"A large swimming area would be closed if the bacteria count becomes dangerous, but he doesn't have the manpower to check all recreation areas."
Florida Today 7/16/72
----------> Space Industry Legacy Contamination & Pollution Timeline

1973 Shuttle Ecology Harm
"There will be some adverse effects during the changeover, but the environment will recover quickly and wildlife should not be harmed."
"Accidental spills of fuel will be drained through holding ponds and contaminants will be treated."
Florida Today 1/9/1973
"Accidental spills of fuel will be drained through holding ponds and contaminants will be treated."
Florida Today 1/9/1973

1983 KSC Replacing Fuel w/ Coal
NASA approved a $250,000 study to determine the feasibility of constructing a $100 million energy plant that would furnish the Shuttle with liquid hydrogen and gaseous nitrogen. Would develop Shuttle fuel with more plentiful and less expensive coal.
Florida Today 4/1/83
Florida Today 4/1/83

1985 Recycling Waste Water for Air
"Florida and other states may be able to cut freshwater use considerably by using treated sewer water and stormwater runoff in cool systems."
"Every launch the Kennedy Space Center uses over a million gallons of water to keep the Space Shuttle from damaging the launch pad."
"Researcher found that 60 percent of the 600,000 gallons fo freshwater that KSC uses daily go for cooling."
Florida Today 5/29/1985
"Every launch the Kennedy Space Center uses over a million gallons of water to keep the Space Shuttle from damaging the launch pad."
"Researcher found that 60 percent of the 600,000 gallons fo freshwater that KSC uses daily go for cooling."
Florida Today 5/29/1985

1988 Liquid Oxygen Shipment to KSC
"About 141,000 gallons of liquid oxygen are shipped to KSC from Mims in 6,000-gallon tankers for each (shuttle) mission.
The Air Force space program depends on large supplies of nitrogen tetroxide for use as an oxidizer on Titan rockets, and safety officials acknowledge that a spill almost always results in the creation of a toxic cloud as it evaporates and is carried downwind.
Chief of Safety operations at KSC said NASA has experienced a number of close calls with these fuels."
Florida Today 5/27/1988
The Air Force space program depends on large supplies of nitrogen tetroxide for use as an oxidizer on Titan rockets, and safety officials acknowledge that a spill almost always results in the creation of a toxic cloud as it evaporates and is carried downwind.
Chief of Safety operations at KSC said NASA has experienced a number of close calls with these fuels."
Florida Today 5/27/1988

1989 NASA's Toxic Waste Sites
NASA pinpoints hazardous waste sites at Kennedy Space Center and plans to clean up a five-acre parcel contaminated with a toxic chemical. The worse is a site located near the old Canaveral National Seashore Headquarters.
Florida Today 2/18/1989
Florida Today 2/18/1989
----------> South Patrick Shores & Satellite Beach Cancer Cluster Timeline

1994 Lou Gehrig's & Cancer Cluster in South Patrick Shores
Eight residents of South Patrick Shores developed Lou Gehrig's disease between 1980 and 1991. Experts said that one case should have been expected in the neighborhood during that period.
Additionally, a cluster of Hodgkin's disease was also discovered in South Patrick Shores in 1991.
Florida Today 1994
Additionally, a cluster of Hodgkin's disease was also discovered in South Patrick Shores in 1991.
Florida Today 1994

1991 Expert Questions CDC's Methods and Motives
At least 11 residents battled a rare cancer, Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The National Cancer Institute estimated that the disease effected 2.8 of every 100,000 Americans.
Dr. Samuel Epstein, a pathologist and professor of occupational medicine questioned the CDC's methods and motives. He also stated that toxic waste is a cancer risk factor and exhaustive tests should be done.
Local officials and experts denied any associated with the Air Force base and their toxins at the time.
The Orlando Sentinel 7/28/1991
Dr. Samuel Epstein, a pathologist and professor of occupational medicine questioned the CDC's methods and motives. He also stated that toxic waste is a cancer risk factor and exhaustive tests should be done.
Local officials and experts denied any associated with the Air Force base and their toxins at the time.
The Orlando Sentinel 7/28/1991

1991 Samples Along Indian River Lagoon Show Pollution
Samples taken along the Indian River Lagoon documented decades of decline of the estuary, showing everything from polutants in stormwater runoff to the lead from leaded gasoline until it was banned.
Agencies suggested testing mucky sediment in canals. Residents feared that leaking landfills at Patrick Air Force Base may have contributed to the cluster of cancer. Other residents were concerned of pesticides used in the 1940s and 1950s such as DDT.
The Orlando Sentinel 8/15/1991
Agencies suggested testing mucky sediment in canals. Residents feared that leaking landfills at Patrick Air Force Base may have contributed to the cluster of cancer. Other residents were concerned of pesticides used in the 1940s and 1950s such as DDT.
The Orlando Sentinel 8/15/1991
----------> Florida Power & Light and Health Concerns Timeline

1976 FPL Asks to Burn Dirtier Oil
FPL wants to save $45 million by burning less expensive oil. The State has expressed concern over pollution levels from high sulfer fuel and made arrangments to monitor those levels.
Florida Today 2/7/1976
Florida Today 2/7/1976

2016 PSJ Family Fights Cancer
Blood cancers like leukemia, hodgkins, lymphoma and multiple myeloma have been reported by numerous families who lived in Port St. John. A cancer cluster study too place by the county in 2008, and then FPL coincidentally announced they were replacing the plants.
----------> Palm Bay Pollution and Cancer Cluster Timeline

1987 Harris Corporation Contamination
One of the county's seven hazardous waste sites, at Harris Corp's in Palm Bay was listed as on of the 100 most dangerous sites nationwide.
The Orlando Sentinel 8/2/1987
The Orlando Sentinel 8/2/1987

1991 Palm Bay Childhood Cancer Cluster
The families lived near Harris Corporation where the EPA discovered cancer-causing chemicals in five of 18 wells. Six children were diagnosed with leukemia in a 12-square-mile area in Palm Bay. 24 cases were reported between 1981-1987 and parents suspected it was environmental.
Florida Today 8/13/1991
Florida Today 8/13/1991

1993 Palm Bay Discovery Elementary Contaminated
Inadequate airflow in some classrooms caused illness in children. Propylene glycol coolant, freon and a weak sulfuric acid solution leaked form the air system equipment and contaminated about 120 tons of soil. The chemicals also advanced the natural decay of tree limps and other buried organics.
Florida Today 1993
Florida Today 1993
----------> Other Space Coast Pollution Timeline

1989 Heavy Metals and Chemicals Not Removed from Titusville Wastewater
Heavy metal and chemicals were not properly removed from waste products that entered Titusville's south wastewater treatment plant.
Florida Today 1989
Florida Today 1989

1989 Chemicals Dropped on Waterways
St. Johns River Water Management District use air boats to drop chemicals on the plant Hydrilla which was introduced to provide oxygen for fish in 1960 and now considered invasive. The plant blocks boats so the state sprays chemicals to destroy it. However, killing large amounts of the weed can increase algae growth.
The Tribune 12/13/89
The Tribune 12/13/89

1991 Toxic Waste from Cape Canaveral and Patrick Air Force Base
Contractors found 30 toxic waste sites at Patrick Air Force Base and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.
Beginning in the 1940s, the military dumped, burned or spilled everything from cooking oil to jet fuel and exotic rocket propellants at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and Patrick Air Force Base.
Evidence suggest the fuel oil residues from firefighter training area found their way into the Banana River sediment.
Florida Today 1991
Beginning in the 1940s, the military dumped, burned or spilled everything from cooking oil to jet fuel and exotic rocket propellants at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and Patrick Air Force Base.
Evidence suggest the fuel oil residues from firefighter training area found their way into the Banana River sediment.
Florida Today 1991

1992 Contamination from Aerospace Waste in Cocoa Community
In 1992 the groundwater beneath a mobile home community in Cocoa was contaminated with a toxic mix of industrial chemicals. The tainted water beneath River Breeze was the result of years of indiscriminate and sometimes blatant disposal of hazardous waste by a nearby company known as Precision Fabricating & Cleaning, Inc. THey allowed industrial wastewater and runoff containing used solvents, acids, and metals to drain onto and into the ground. The business cleaned and refurbished chemical tanks and piping, primarily for Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station aerospace companies.
Three months before a June 1990 raid, company officers transported 12 55-gallon drums of hazardous waste to an employee's house to hide them before a scheduled visit by the Environmental Protection Agency. The employees hide the barrels to mislead inspectors about the amount of waste the plant produced.
Part of the company's operation also included illegally transporting hazardous waste collected from job sites at Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station to the plant. Regulators couldn't determine where all that waste went.
The Orlando Sentinel 6/22/1992
Three months before a June 1990 raid, company officers transported 12 55-gallon drums of hazardous waste to an employee's house to hide them before a scheduled visit by the Environmental Protection Agency. The employees hide the barrels to mislead inspectors about the amount of waste the plant produced.
Part of the company's operation also included illegally transporting hazardous waste collected from job sites at Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station to the plant. Regulators couldn't determine where all that waste went.
The Orlando Sentinel 6/22/1992

1995 Brevard County Polluted by Three Complexes
Brevard County's three major government complexes: NASA, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and Patrick Air Force Base on the EPA list of federal operation that must take extra precautions in handling hazardous waste.
Florida Today 9/17/1995
Florida Today 9/17/1995
----------> Department of Defense Contamination Timeline

1989 MacDill Air Force Base Widespread Fuel Contamination
Fuel leaked from underground tanks and contaminated groundwater beneath 5,600 acre base. Numerous violation were discovered and report notes indicated that the Floridan aquifer may have been impacted. The tanks contained benzene, a carcinogen, and numerous other toxic compounds.
The Tampa Tribune 3/24/89
The Tampa Tribune 3/24/89

2000 Scientists Investigate ALS Link to Gulf Service
Scientists investigated whether Persian Gulf Ware veterans developed amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig's disease, at a higher than expected rate.
The Tampa Tribune 3/29/2000
The Tampa Tribune 3/29/2000
----------> Central Florida Bone Valley & Phosphate Industry Timeline

1985 High Rates of Leukemia
"A significant difference in adjusted leukemia incidence was observed between high exposure counties and those with low levels of radium groundwater contamination (in Florida)," researchers reported in Journal of American Medical Association."
Florida Today 8/20/1985
Florida Today 8/20/1985
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